       Language Processors
        Given the fundamental language of communication with a computer—namely, machine language—there exists an almost intolerable barrier between the person who desires to solve some problem using the computer and the description of the solution in terms of the machine language.
        The development of symbolic languages and assemblers was followed closely by the development of autocoders, in which the programmer's language was more closely related to mathematical notation than to the machine operations. However, the autocoder required the development of more sophisticated conversion processors, thus leading to a study of the general translatory process.
        The methods of program conversion and subsequent execution of a user's program can be classified into two basic techniques: compilation and execution, or interpretation.
        translate To transform statements from one language to another without significantly changing the meaning. In this sense, a programmer must insist that a compiler or the conversion process within an interpreter should be a translator, since the meaning associated with a source program must be carried over to the target language program.
        compile To prepare a machine language program from a computer program written in another programming language by making use of the overall logic structure of the program, or generating more than one machine [language] instruction for each symbolic statement, or both, as well as performing the function of an assembler.
        interpreter A computer program that translates and executes each source language statement before translating and executing the next one.
        In practice, there rarely exists a compiler or an interpreter which adheres precisely to these definitions; most languages possess certain features that cannot be compiled, and most interpreters initially preprocess the source program into some intermediate form from which the original program can be reconstructed, and operate upon that code rather than the original form.

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