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   上午试卷 综合知识
Anytime a host or a router has an IP datagram to send to another host or router, it has the (71) address of the receiver. This address is obtained from the DNS if the sender is the host or it is found in a routing table if the sender is a router. But the IP datagram must be (72) in a frame to be able to pass through the physical network. This means that the sender needs the (73) address of the rec..

   上午试卷 综合知识
Anytime a host or a router has an IP datagram to send to another host or router, it has the (71) address of the receiver. This address is obtained from the DNS if the sender is the host or it is found in a routing table if the sender is a router. But the IP datagram must be (72) in a frame to be able to pass through the physical network. This means that the sender needs the (73) address of the rec..

   上午试卷 综合知识
Anytime a host or a router has an IP datagram to send to another host or router, it has the (71) address of the receiver. This address is obtained from the DNS if the sender is the host or it is found in a routing table if the sender is a router. But the IP datagram must be (72) in a frame to be able to pass through the physical network. This means that the sender needs the (73) address of the rec..

   上午试卷 综合知识
Anytime a host or a router has an IP datagram to send to another host or router, it has the (71) address of the receiver. This address is obtained from the DNS if the sender is the host or it is found in a routing table if the sender is a router. But the IP datagram must be (72) in a frame to be able to pass through the physical network. This means that the sender needs the (73) address of the rec..

   上午试卷 综合知识
Anytime a host or a router has an IP datagram to send to another host or router, it has the (71) address of the receiver. This address is obtained from the DNS if the sender is the host or it is found in a routing table if the sender is a router. But the IP datagram must be (72) in a frame to be able to pass through the physical network. This means that the sender needs the (73) address of the rec..

   上午试卷 综合知识
Typically,an IP address refers to an individual host on a particular network. IP also accommodates addresses that refer to a group of hosts on one or more networks.Such addresses are referred to as multicast addresses,and the act of sending a packet from a source to the members of a (71)group is referred to as multicasting. Multicasting done (72 ) the scope of a single LAN segment is straightf..

   上午试卷 综合知识
Typically,an IP address refers to an individual host on a particular network. IP also accommodates addresses that refer to a group of hosts on one or more networks.Such addresses are referred to as multicast addresses,and the act of sending a packet from a source to the members of a (71)group is referred to as multicasting. Multicasting done (72 ) the scope of a single LAN segment is straightf..

   上午试卷 综合知识
Typically,an IP address refers to an individual host on a particular network. IP also accommodates addresses that refer to a group of hosts on one or more networks.Such addresses are referred to as multicast addresses,and the act of sending a packet from a source to the members of a (71)group is referred to as multicasting. Multicasting done (72 ) the scope of a single LAN segment is straightf..

   上午试卷 综合知识
Typically,an IP address refers to an individual host on a particular network. IP also accommodates addresses that refer to a group of hosts on one or more networks.Such addresses are referred to as multicast addresses,and the act of sending a packet from a source to the members of a (71)group is referred to as multicasting. Multicasting done (72 ) the scope of a single LAN segment is straightf..

   上午试卷 综合知识
Typically,an IP address refers to an individual host on a particular network. IP also accommodates addresses that refer to a group of hosts on one or more networks.Such addresses are referred to as multicast addresses,and the act of sending a packet from a source to the members of a (71)group is referred to as multicasting. Multicasting done (72 ) the scope of a single LAN segment is straightf..

   上午试卷 综合知识
The diffserv approach to providing QoS in networks employs a small, well-defined set of building blocks from which you can build a variety of(71). Its aim is to define the differentiated services (DS) byte, the Type of Service (ToS) byte from the Internet Protocol Version 4 (72) and the Traffic Class byte from IP Version 6, and mark the standardized DS byte of the packet such that it receives ..

   上午试卷 综合知识
The diffserv approach to providing QoS in networks employs a small, well-defined set of building blocks from which you can build a variety of(71). Its aim is to define the differentiated services (DS) byte, the Type of Service (ToS) byte from the Internet Protocol Version 4 (72) and the Traffic Class byte from IP Version 6, and mark the standardized DS byte of the packet such that it receives ..

   上午试卷 综合知识
The diffserv approach to providing QoS in networks employs a small, well-defined set of building blocks from which you can build a variety of(71). Its aim is to define the differentiated services (DS) byte, the Type of Service (ToS) byte from the Internet Protocol Version 4 (72) and the Traffic Class byte from IP Version 6, and mark the standardized DS byte of the packet such that it receives ..

   上午试卷 综合知识
The diffserv approach to providing QoS in networks employs a small, well-defined set of building blocks from which you can build a variety of(71). Its aim is to define the differentiated services (DS) byte, the Type of Service (ToS) byte from the Internet Protocol Version 4 (72) and the Traffic Class byte from IP Version 6, and mark the standardized DS byte of the packet such that it receives ..

   上午试卷 综合知识
The diffserv approach to providing QoS in networks employs a small, well-defined set of building blocks from which you can build a variety of(71). Its aim is to define the differentiated services (DS) byte, the Type of Service (ToS) byte from the Internet Protocol Version 4 (72) and the Traffic Class byte from IP Version 6, and mark the standardized DS byte of the packet such that it receives ..

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