免费智能真题库 > 历年试卷 > 网络规划设计师 > 2019年下半年 网络规划设计师 上午试卷 综合知识
  章/节:   专业英语       

IPsec,also known as the internet Protocol(71),defines the architecture for security services for IP network traffic IPsec describes the framework for providing security a the IP layer,as well as the suite of protocols designed to provide that security:through_(72)_and encryption of IP network packets.IPec can be used 10 protect network data,for example,by setting up circuits using IPsec(73),in which all data being sent between two endpoints is encrypted,as with a Virtual(74)Network connection ;for encrypting application layer data ;and for providing security for routers sending routing data across the public internet.Internet traffic can also be secured from host to host without the use of lPsec,for example by encryption at the(75)layer with HTTP Secure(TTPS)or an the transport layer wit the Transport Layer Security (TLS)protocol.
  A.  channel
  B.  path
  C.  tunneling
  D.  route

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第73题    在手机中做本题