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  知识点:   SOA
  章/节:   计算机专业英语       

We initially described SOA without mentioning Web s ervices, and vice versA.This is because they are ortho gonal: service-orientation is an architectural (71) whil e Web services are an implementation (72).The two c an be used together, and they frequently are, but the y are not mutually dependent.
For example, although it is widely considered to be a distributed-computing solution,SOA can be applied to advantage in a single system,where services might b e individual processes with well-defined (73) that co mmunicate using local channels,or in a self-contained cluster, where they might communicate across a high -speed interconnect.
Similarly, while Web services are(74) as the basis for a service-oriented environment, there is nothing in th eir definition that requires them to embody the SOA p rinciples. While(75)is often held up as a key characte ristic of Web services,there is no technical reason that they should be stateless-that would be a design choi ce of the developerwhich may be dictated by the arc hitectural style of the environment in which the servic e is intended to participate.
  A.  design
  B.  Style
  C.  technology
  D.  structure

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   · SOA
        SOA(Service-Oriented Architecture,面向服务的架构)是一种粗粒度、松耦合服务架构,服务之间通过简单、精确定义接口进行通信,不涉及底层编程接口和通信模型。SOA可以看作是B/S模型、XML(标准通用标记语言的子集)/Web Service技术之后的自然延伸。
        Web Service是现在实现SOA的主要技术,是一个平台独立的,低耦合的,自包含的、基于可编程的web应用程序,可使用开放的XML(标准通用标记语言下的一个子集)标准来描述、发布、发现、协调和配置这些应用程序,用于开发分布式的互操作的应用程序。Web Service技术,能使得运行在不同机器上的不同应用无须借助附加的、专门的第三方软件或硬件,就可相互交换数据或集成。依据Web Service规范实施的应用之间,无论它们所使用的语言、平台或内部协议是什么,都可以相互交换数据。
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第71题    在手机中做本题