免费智能真题库 > 历年试卷 > 网络工程师 > 2015年下半年 网络工程师 上午试卷 综合知识
  章/节:   计算机专业英语       

The Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol provides configuration parameters to  Internet (71). DHCP consists of two components: a (72) for delivering host-specific configuration parameters from a DHCP server to a host and a mechanism for allocation of network addresses to hosts. DHCP is built on a client-server model, where designated DHCP server hosts allocate network addresses and deliver (73) parameters to dynamically configured hosts. DHCP supports three mechanisms for IP address allocation. In "automatic allocation", DHCP assigns a (74) IP address to a client. In "dynamic allocation", DHCP assigns an IP address to a client for a limited period of time. In "manual allocation", a client's IP address is assigned by the network (75), and DHCP is used simply to convey the assigned address to the client.
  A.  router
  B.  protocol
  C.  host
  D.  mechanism

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A transport layer protocol usually has several responsibilities. One is to create a process-to-process communication; UD..
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The TCP protocol is a (71) layer protocol. Each connection connects two TCPs that may be just one physical network apart..
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Network security consists of policies and practices to prevent and monitor(71)access,misuse, modification, or denial o..
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第72题    在手机中做本题