免费智能真题库 > 历年试卷 > 系统集成项目管理工程师 > 2021年下半年 系统集成项目管理工程师 上午试卷 综合知识
  章/节:   专业英语       

() is the highest level of quality management.
  A.  Detect and correct the defects before the desirables are sent头the customer as of the quality control process
  B.  Use quality assurance to examine and correct the process it self and not just special defects
  C.  Incorporate quality into the ptanning and designing of the project and product
  D.  Createa throughout the organization that is committed to quality in process and products

  第71题    2016年下半年  
(71)is a paradigm for enabling network access to a scalable and elastic pool of shareable physical or virtual resource..
  第74题    2019年下半年  
( )is the process of identifying individual project risks as well as source of overall project risk, and documenting t..
  第73题    2020年下半年  
( )is a graph that shows the relationship between two variables。
   题号导航      2021年下半年 系统集成项目管理工程师 上午试卷 综合知识   本试卷我的完整做题情况  
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